Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Filling In The Blanks

Right - posting here has been a bit... Irregular. Although I was under the impression that my IRCSET application had floated off nicely into cyberspace to be picked up by referees and administrators and judging commitees, it was, in fact, lost and alone in computer-land. This year, IRCSET have attempted a software upgrade but seem to have left out the part where they debug and test it, resulting in many lost and faulty application forms. I have created a second application and Sile is going to submit it if they cannot find my original submission.

I characterised the laser today using both a diode and a spectrum analyser. The diode gave me a nice neat curve while the spectrum analyser allowed me to see some 'messy' data because of mode hopping and losses due to fibre connectors. The spectral power given by the spectrum analyser is essentially what is displayed in the voltage-current curve. The lasing threshold occurs between 20-25mA. I'm going to have a look at this again using my new detector and an oscilloscope either tomorrow or Thursday. Meanwhile, I have some rotten condensed state physics homework to finish.

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