Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Imaging & Soldering

On my lab bench today was:

  • A minature CCD camera

  • A 100x oil imersion microscope

  • A tube of oil

  • Clear nail varnish

  • Nail varnish remover

The camera and microscope form the basics of the imaging side of my experiment. I had a shot at setting these up... With quite a bit of help from Michael... The main difficulty of being a "newbie" in Tyndall is just the fact that I don't know where anything is. Secondary to that is my unfamiliarity with the various wires and cables and plugs and fittings and components. So, if I need something in the lab I either wander around blindly looking for it - not knowing what it looks like or where its found - or I ask one of the guys who are only too happy to help me which leads to me feeling extra newbie-ish and slightly guilty from bothering them. It's one of those lovely learning curves we all know, love and acts logarithmically if plotted.

Yes, so, after we discovered that the connector we were using to wire the little camera wasn't working, Michael decided that soldering was the way to go. He soldered two pins for me and I did the last. I love soldering! At least, I think I do. I'm sure I did the simplest soldering exercise possible but it's so cool!

Oh, I am so sad...

We connected the finished product to the TV and the power supply and, as expected, the camera didn't work. Hmmm.

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